
News & commentary about the global health workforce

Les laboratoires de compétences en Afrique de l’Ouest : Un tournant pour la formation des agents de santé

Les investissements du projet Classroom to Care posent les bases d'un personnel plus résilient et prêt à relever les défis liés à la santé maternelle et néonatale.

Skills Labs in West Africa Set to Transform Health Worker Training

The Classroom to Care Project's investments lay the foundation for a more resilient health workforce, ready to meet maternal and newborn health challenges.

Early Intervention Among Women Getting Cesareans in Rwanda Is Saving Lives

Cesarean deliveries have become increasingly safe in Rwanda thanks to the efforts of the government and its partners to train and prepare health providers to perform these surgeries.

5 Things Policymakers Must Do to Support Midwives like Me

To end the pandemic and better respond to the next outbreak, we must start prioritizing midwives.