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Overcoming Human Resources for Health Constraints for the Delivery of Quality HIV Services

CapacityPlus project assisted countries to identify and address human resources for health (HRH) challenges to accelerate progress toward national HIV goals and the vision of an AIDS-free generation.

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IntraHealth International 2014 Annual Report

An overview of IntraHealth International's key results, financials, and more from 2014.

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Time to Address Gender Discrimination and Inequality in the Health Workforce

Essential reading for anyone interested in the post-2015 HRH agenda, this commentary synthesizes current opinion and state-of-the-art evidence pertaining to gender and HRH. Global HRH discussion and...
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Global Health Workforce Champions: A Foundations Course

Global Health Workforce Champions (GHWC) is a modular distance learning course designed to help participants become human resources for health (HRH) champions.


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Graduate Tracking Systems for the Medical Schools in Africa: Processes for Developing an Implementation Framework

Author: Settle D, et al.

Publisher: Academic Medicine

Date: 2014

Description: Human resources for health are critical for effective health systems. In Africa, the number of doctors and nurses...

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iHRIS User: Level I

Publisher: HRH Resource Center

Date: 2014

Description: This course provides instructions on how to set up and manage human resources data in the iHRIS Manage database. Information on managing...

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Recruitment of Community Health Workers

Chapter 8, Recruitment of Community Health Workers, considers key questions, recommendations, and challenges for planning and implementation of recruitment, including selection, resource availability...

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Ebola SMS Course for Health Workers

This Ebola SMS course is designed to help get information quickly to health workers in Ebola-affected and at-risk countries. 

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Using Evidence for Human Resources for Health Decision-Making: An Example from Uganda on Health Workforce Recruitment and Retention

Author: Deussom R and Jaskiewicz W

Project: CapacityPlus

Publisher: IntraHealth International

Series: Technical Brief #15

Date: 2014

Description: A strong and well-distributed health workforce is...

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Establishing and Using Data Standards in Health Workforce Information Systems

Tech Brief 13


Author: Settle D, Lwetabe MW, Puckett A, and Leitner C

Project: CapacityPlus

Series: Technical Brief #13

Date: 2014

Description: This technical brief discusses organizational, national, and...

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