Babacar Gueye

Babacar Gueye

Country director, Senegal

Babacar Gueye is a doctor, public health specialist, and epidemiologist with clinical and public health programming experience in malaria, reproductive health/family planning, and maternal and child health.

After receiving his MD from the University of Dakar, Gueye worked for UNICEF, Senegal’s Ministry of Health, and the Senegalese armed forces. Gueye joined IntraHealth in 2007 and has served as the MNCH/FP/malaria project’s malaria coordinator and the deputy project director of technical services for IntraHealth.



Analysis of Gender-Related Inequalities and Discrimination in the Health Sector in Senegal: Toward Effective Human Resources Management

Read about Senegal’s first gender discrimination and inequality analysis, conducted in response to the gender audit findings, in collaboration with Senegal's Ministry of Health and Social Action and...

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Tutorat: A Comprehensive Approach to Empowering Health Care Providers and Their Facilities in Senegal

Read how IntraHealth International is supporting the Senegal’s Ministry of Health with Tutorat in the USAID/Neema projectTutorat is a competency strengthening approach characterized by on-the-job...

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Honing the Enhanced Peer Outreach Approach to Increase HIV Testing Yield Among Key Populations in Senegal

Read how IntraHealth adapted the Enhanced Peer Outreach Approach (EPOA) in Senegal to reach key populations, specifically men who have sex with men, which significantly contributed to an increase in...

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Tutorat: Building a Culture of Quality in Senegal’s Primary Health Care Facilities

This technical brief covers our Tutorat mentoring approach to improve quality of care in Senegal.

This brief is part of a larger publication about IntraHealth’s innovative approaches to global health...

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Getting Contraceptives to Women Who Need Them: Senegal's Informed Push Model

This technical brief covers our Informed Push Model, utilized in Senegal to ensure women have reliable access to modern contraceptive methods.

This brief is part of a larger publication about...

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