
HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis

HIV/AIDS Overview.

Assessing the relevance, efficiency, and sustainability of HIV/AIDS in-service training in Nigeria. Burlew R, Puckett A, Bailey R, Caffrey M, and Brantley S. Human Resources for Health, 2014.

Integrating Family Planning and HIV/AIDS Services: Health Workforce Considerations. Ng C, Pacqué-Margolis S, Kotellos K, Brantley S. Technical Brief #5. CapacityPlus, 2012.

Promising Practices to Build Human Resources Capacity in HIV Strategic Information. Jaskiewicz W, Fitzgerald L, Fogarty L, Huber A, Peersman G, Schalk-Zaitsev S, Sethi R, Tholandi M, and Yank S. Capacity Project, 2010.

Alleviating the Burden of Responsibility: Men as Providers of Community-Based HIV/AIDS Care and Support in Lesotho. Newman C. Gender Research Brief #2. Capacity Project, 2009.

HIV Care for Health Workers: Perceptions and Needs. Galvin S and de Vries DH. Technical Brief #13. Capacity Project, 2008.

Mothers' Support Groups in Ethiopia: A Peer Support Model to Address the Needs of Women Living with HIV. Viadro C, Stratton S, Asfaw YD, and Shibru A. Capacity Project and Hareg Project, 2008.

Twubakane GBV/PMTCT Readiness Assessment Toolkit. Twubakane Project, 2008.

Guideline for Incorporating New Cadres of Health Workers to Increase Accessibility and Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Resource paper related to the study in Uganda. Stilwell B. Capacity Project, 2007.

Guideline for Outsourcing Human Resources Services to Make Antiretroviral Therapy Rapidly Available in Underserved Areas Resource paper related to the study in Namibia. Benavides B. Capacity Project, 2007.

Incorporating Lay Human Resources to Increase Accessibility to Antiretroviral Therapy: A Home-Based Approach in Uganda. Benavides B and Caffrey M. Capacity Project, 2006.

Strategy for the Rapid Start-up of the HIV/AIDS Program in Namibia: Outsourcing the Recruitment and Management of Human Resources for Health. Frelick G. and Mameja J. Capacity Project, 2006.

Video: Rising Hope. Mothers Support Groups in Ethiopia.