
Margarite Nathe summarizes 10 global health issues to follow in 2016 on Humanosphere

Senior writer Margarite Nathe is featured on Humanosphere, a company dedicated to "covering global health and poverty because we give a damn," summarizing 10 important global health issues to follow in 2016. Issues covered include Ebola’s unprecedented survivors, air pollution, the enduring wealth gap, politics and power shifts, and mental health for trauma survivors.


Some global health threats take us by surprise, sparking fires we never expected to fight. Take Ebola, for instance – the world couldn’t have foreseen the 2014 outbreak, particularly in West Africa, which had never before experienced it. Other fires, though, have been smoldering quietly for decades, and are now building strength and becoming difficult to contain.

This year, IntraHealth International’s annual list is filled with such challenges. These topics will shape the global health agenda in 2016, defining what many global development organizations do this year and how we do it:

Read Margarite Nathe's entire piece, 10 global health issues to follow in 2016, on