In 2015, we reached 246,203 health workers.

That means health care for 492 million people around the world.

We focus on health workers to deliver results like these:

Where we worked in 2015:

Where we worked in 2015

Where we have worked in the past

We know that there can be no health care without health workers. The human touch is an indispensable part of health and healing around the world.

We also know that health workers must be working within strong, resilient health systems if they’re to provide the highest-quality care. Today we need those health workers and systems to be stronger than ever if we are to reach the ambitious targets spelled out in our new global Sustainable Development Goals.

That’s why we at IntraHealth use our greatest strengths—from our longstanding local relationships, to our digital health solutions, to our private-sector partnerships—as we work toward greater, more lasting impact in the world every day.

The coming decade will bring great change and unexpected challenges for us all. Emerging health threats, shifting policies, and the ongoing health workforce shortage will put our health systems to the test. Let’s meet those challenges. And let’s not rest until each of us has access to the health care we need to thrive.

Pape Gaye
President and CEO


Financial report for FY2015